Monday, March 26, 2012

What did I get myself into?

Right now, I am applying to part time jobs. I am taking a full course load + writing a thesis. I am really excited about this one epidemiology course I am taking about drug safety. Anyways, I am working a part time job and I am volunteering. I am really excited for all the things I will be doing but where is the time.

One thing that would make this all better is finding a job I can work at while completing my requirements. This would be a huge relief and I can focus on what I want to do. Given the job market, you have to apply to so many jobs to get a response. Personally, I like to find a contact that works where I am applying but I am in a new city for my masters. This has proven more difficult to do than it has in the past for me. In addition, everyone wants a personalized resume and cover letter. I calculated the time it takes for me to do this. It takes an hour to write a tailored resume and cover letter for 1 job. This is a full time job in itself.

I am going to have to find a way to apply to all these jobs so I can pay for my premed classes. At the same time, I have to study intensely for my courses and complete a publishable thesis.

These next few months will be a true test of my time management skills.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daily Med School Motivation

As a part of my quest to become a doctor, I have started a reading program for myself. I try to read books every day about what it is like to be a medical doctor. My first book that I am reading is how doctors think. This book gives great accounts of different types of mistakes physicians often make in their thinking.

The one that has stuck out most to me so far is attribution error. This is the problem of over attributing things to a persons nature and not facts presented. This often happens with physicians when their patient's nature according to the physician does not match up with what the patient is really like. Think of it like a soccer mom that presents herself well so the physician assumes she is fine. In reality, she is an alcoholic but doesn't fit the classic appearance of one. This would cause a physician to miss out on important diagnoses because he never considered this condition.

I am still working my way through the book. Also, I am looking for my next book for daily motivation. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

Why I am starting this blog?

I am about to go back and complete my premed classes. Currently, I am getting a masters degree in a health related field. I will be taking my classes where I am getting my masters degree. It will be an informal post bacc but I want to share my experiences along the way.