Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Feeling Comfort in Underachieving

I woke up this morning asking myself "What would life be like if I woke up trying to be my very best?" I know this might be a weird question to some people being as half way through my premed prep I should be over this. However, I still haven't seen my best in my premed classes. I have done okay but not great like I need to be doing. So, what can take to this next level?

I firmly believe it is waking up with my intention to do my very best each day. I should be doing this already but sometimes I feel like I am kind of slogging through life. Being premed and life in general can get boring, dull, and repetitive. Somehow I feel comfort in being my old self and being smart but slightly underachieving. I know I have what it takes to get into a great school but something within stops myself from taking it to the next level. I found this article that kind of explains how I am feeling. I need to learn how to find comfort in stretching my comfort zone.

I hope today is the start of a change in my life. I notice my friends around me reaching great heights that I know they could not have achieved without pushing themselves. It is my turn to do the same. Allow myself to be great.

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