Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Premed Finances | Postbac Premed

I need to remember these tips for med school and get started now.

1. Choose the cheapest school you can get into

2. Consider the merits of “scholarship” programs carefully

3. Minimize your loan burden

4. Remember it’s easier to be poor when you’re young

5. Don’t cheap out in the wrong places

6. Get a sugar momma

7. Begin your financial education

8. Pick a residency in a low cost-of-living city


Mind blown

I already knew I did not know a lot about medicine but I am educating myself. However, I spent several hours reading kevinmd.com and my mind is blown about the stuff I covered. I was primarily reading up on managing medical practices. There is so much that goes into Medicine that I feel most people don't realize. I studied health care mgt in my masters program and I am still amazed at how much I don't know considering this is supposed to be my area.

All I can say is that the comments on kevinmd.com shattered a lot of my preconceived notions of what a being a physician would be like. Then, I looked up some books mentioned on the blog on Amazon. So, I am going to have some hefty reading coming up about medical practice management.

I think Medicine is one of the most amazing careers which is why I know its for me. However, it is so scary and complex. The debt can be mind numbing. I think first generation people going into the field should all be required to have financial mentors or some sort of strong role model they can reach out too. There are so many mistakes that can be made for peoples whose families arent from this background can make.

I am going to try my best to get as much help as possible to make my dreams come true.